This article " How to Ruin a Great Design" is primarily about how signs can be misread and not properly designed correctly. Not only may it be difficult and frustrating to sit in traffic, worry about detours, and other things but now you have to think about the signs being confusing. For example the sign that was being described in the article saying " Diverted cyclists". Many individuals may have questions about this sign from as to why is the D capitalized and not the c in the word cyclists. There focus is mainly on the way the sign is designed instead of the actual meaning. Another issue is when a company may update a label or just recreate the whole thing. The changes may give the sign a totally different meaning even though it may not be intended but it happens. There often are slip ups but those need to be fixed before being shown to the public.
Homework 5
This interview featuring Dustin Stanton is about him talking about how his career got started, all the incredible friends he has met, the excitement he has doing his job, and the different techniques he uses to get the job done. Dustin got started off in high school and he knew he wanted to be an art major. He was hired to many different productions and teams to help work on projects. Stanton enjoyed the work he did a lot but he felt it was time for him to be his own manager and make his own hours. Paul who introduced his self to Dustin has gave him a lot of help and they have been very close ever since. He loves adding and creating different ideas he feels will go well with the posters. He enjoys everything he has every created and will continue to make more.
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